Why I Really Shouldn't Claim Myself as Much of an Otaku


If any of you are reading, hopefully you're already pretty well aware of who the hell is writing this blog in the first place. And--most likely--you're from Twitter. Now, if you're from Twitter and are on this site (of all the obscurities on the god damned Internet), then you're probably interested into anime, manga, video games and so forth. And as awesome as I love the feeling of seeing people who love anime follow me on Twitter, I honestly do not know all too much on anime.

You see, I'm a bit of a late breed. I've only been into anime for less than a year, so I've been doing everything to the best of my abilities of fitting in and understanding everything of being an otaku. But of course, there's a major flaw with this. For, you see, I just became interested in anime around January, thanks to Haruhi. But any sort of shows or famous history of anime before 2010, I'm very unfamiliar with.

I've been so unfamiliar with it, in fact, that just mere minutes ago, I JUST learned of god damned Train Man (thanks to the lovely services of the manlyhood-tearing jHYtse). This book (which I would LOVE to read right now, honestly) is a popular novel among otaku, from the looks of Wikipedia. But this is just one sign that I have the brain of an asinine monkey when it comes to anime.


Another thing to note of me is that if you were to show me a picture of a random anime character from some random anime, chances are I don't know who the fuck it is. And I don't mean like an absolutely obscure show that nobody even knows anyways, I'm talking some well known anime, like.......


Well, there ya go. I can't even think of a damned example of any anime. But there's more to it than just some anime character. Let's speak about some popular sites among the Internet involving anime, such as 4chan. Do you have ANY idea of how long ago I just learned of this website and understood what it was? Probably less than 2 or 3 weeks ago, really (thanks again to the kick-ass of BlackStriker201)

How about a site such as Danbooru? Well, I had to look in my bookmarks just now to remember the freakn' name, so that pretty much sums up how much I know of that site. What about some other site, like that dorky blog with that annoying ass kid who writes about stupid shit of his life? I think it was called Otaku Eagle or some shit...


I just came across the sites from either various tweets or hunted them down myself. What do I know of these sites? Well, 4chan I know is an image board that posts pictures mainly relating to anime related, usually. As for Danbooru, it just looks like a rule34 with an even more diverse way of tracking down stuff (such as positions), but it isn't as full of porn as rule34, at least. That's about the best way I can sum up those sites, because I found them and simply had to figure out what the flying-camel-shit-fuck they were.

Is that how everybody else started using these sites? Heard about them from somewhere, checked them out, and deduced what they were from there on? Because if I attempted at that, I usually don't feel confident with myself of it because I'm not 100% sure that's what the sites were.

Hell, for all I know, I could be making a mockery out of myself right now at how complicated I'm looking at just figuring out these sites. But that's how I've always felt when it came to something involving anime and such, ever since I first saw anime back in '07. I always felt like something as simple an anime, that's soul purpose was to entertain, somehow has people insulting it for having fan service, or being moe, or something of that sort. And all though I've heard people who DO complain of that are usually morons, how the hell am I supposed to be aware of that when I just started watching this stuff a few months ago?

I Should have been born in the fucked up weirdness that was the 80s...

Is there some sort of magical trick I should be well aware of to help me keep up-to-par with everything I should know when it comes to this stuff? If so, please, someone, tell me. I guess a major reason for this was because that I was born in 1995, the year with a kickass James Bond movie that turned into a kickass video game...

...But I digress. I was born pretty freakn' late to be interested in this stuff. I was born right in the prime of anime. And I was just fucking born, it took another 14 years until I just got into the stuff. It's like someone decided to plant cotton in the South in the 1950s (for those who don't know, the more we got into the modern age, the shittier it was for people who planted cotton). I was a little late to see all the awesome action. Sure, I could still do it, but it'll be much harder than it would've been had I been around about 200 years earlier (200 years, about 10 years for my situation, is there really a difference?).

So while most people were enjoying the prime of the 90s, I was still trying to comprehend the difference between candy and magnets. So, what I guess I'm really trying to ask to anyone reading this who has been into the anime stuff for years is... How the fuck did you go from not knowing what "otaku" meant to where you are now today? A website helped you that I'm unaware of? You did the shit on your own and didn't write an annoying post whining and bitching for help? Or did a magical fairy named Moe gave you the magical powers to help you understand any and everything otaku?

I have gained some assistance, such as what anime I should probably watch...

...Fuck, this could take a while.

...but I feel as though that I need a bit more assistance than just a list. What about any websites? Where are some good places to watch anime? Read manga? A good place to look up on this type of stuff? Anything of that sort. If you can (again, forgive me for sounding so cliche) leave a comment on this. Again, all I wish is good criticism (and by GOOD, I mean LOGICAL and WELL EXPLAINED...). Or you can just leave and go back to masturbating to that picture of someone boning Nagato, whatever you wish to.

Also, you can tell me of what you thought of how I wrote this. Need anything more to it? Too long or boring or maybe both? Too humorous or not humorous enough? Again, all GOOD criticism is welcome (again, by GOOD... yeah, you should know.).

Thanks for your time reading this, and have a nice day. Hop hop, cheerio, and all that~

The British have just as many Tea Parties as the Light Music Club, apparently...


Anonymous said...

Otaku on the internet is just an excuse to act all high and mighty among other anime fans. No one is truly an otaku, IMO, at least no one who isn't from Japan :P

And if you need a good place to watch some animes, and are good with torrets, I reccomend BakaBT, they have a wide variety of animes in the highest quality possible.

Gloqwi said...

I never really knew how much I wasn't THAT into anime until I went to high school and joined Twitter. Guys like Zemichi and you put me to shame when it comes to anime addiction. I guess I love anime, but I don't LOVE LOVE anime. I mean, the only reason I ever found you was because I found Zemichi, and I found him thanks to Twitter searching gelbooru, and I only found that because I was looking for the source of this amazing hentai I was finding. You are an otaku, just not an anime otaku. In a more optimistic perspective, you could say you're not an otaku, but at least you have more to live for IRL, I guess.

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