The Troubles of My Life


The more and more I look at life, the more and more I start to see its flaws. The more and more I look at things, the more I question them, and attempt to understand them. I have such odd problems in my life that I still don't understand. Sometimes I wonder if the problems I have are either natural, or they're problems nobody has ever heard of, since nobody ever mentions them. Or maybe they're just something we all have on a sub conscious level.

Lets get my main point across in this post. One of my biggest questions about myself is this: Why am I thinking like this at all when I'm merely of the age of 14? Why? I'm 14 years old and am questioning the existence of man, for Christ's sake. If that isn't at least a little abnormal, then I have truly gone mad. Seriously, whenever I'm around people my age, all I can do is stare down in pity and them and ask,"Are you really that pathetically stupid?" Now, I'm not saying EVERY person my age is going to think like me. There are some people in the world that are far older than me and aren't even close to my intelligence. What I'm asking is... Am I different, or something? I don't want to sound like I'm the next Jesus Christ or something, but I feel like I'm different from a lot of other people. I'm absolutely not normal, that's for sure.

I feel like my mind has advanced 10 years ahead of what I should be thinking. When I was 8, I acted like I was 18 (in maturity, at least), now when I'm 14, I act like I'm 24. Is that normal or am I just more mature? What is it?! I've been thinking and questioning this for years now, and I still have not yet found the answer to some questions. I guarantee that if my family read this or maybe how I acted on other sites, their minds would be obliterated. So, what do you people think, the readers or this, or maybe you're an old friend from YouTube or Twitter or something. You people have seen how I act, how I think. You may have an answer to my questions. If you do (and please, please forgive me for sounding like someone who's on YouTube and keeps stating this over and over...), I would appreciate if you left a comment below. State your opinion on my situation, if you'd be so kind. If it is a negative criticism, I don't mind. Just don't turn your criticism into a comment full of slurs and insults. Other than that, any criticism is gladly accepted.

Thank you for reading this. May the future be kind to us all.


Unknown said...

Hohohohoho, you remind me of me when I was your age...10 years ago. Forget that there are so many that are below you. Simply use what you got to advance yourself as far as possible. Don't let anyone hold you back.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't worry too much about it dude, everyone does things in a different way then others. I myself was no star child when I was that age. You are different, but everyone is different, that sounds so cliched but it is true, y'know? Acting much more mature than your age isn't a bad thing at all, it's definitely a good thing, it means you're going to become a much better person in the future.

Anonymous said...

yeah get over yourself sorry.

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